SCALE Healthcare Leadership Conference on October 18, 2023 at 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Click here to register

Case Study- Healthcare Marketing Solutions

Managing Consulting Growth & Development

Our Client has a successful Lasik/cataract practice in metropolitan NYC focused on self-pay, Spanish speaking patients and had invested significant dollars in local marketing (radio, social media, tv) to Spanish-speaking communities with some success, but at high patient acquisition cost.

Client Profile

Marketing Research – Family Care Services

SCALE was engaged by an investment banking firm to complete a market assessment and regulatory analysis for the acquisition of multiple rural health clinics in the southeastern US.

Client Profile

Direct to Patient Marketing

Our Client was adding a new provider to their existing practice and had plans open a third location. They needed to grow patient traffic to fill the resulting increase in capacity. The Client’s website was on a proprietary platform and in need of a redesign. There was no regular content creation or social media engagement and there was little paid digital advertising.

Client Profile

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